Monday, January 15, 2007

Natural Mosquito repellent

When I was trekking in the forest, I often didn't like the idea of spraying chemicals from insect repellent that is often not environmentally friendly. Diethyltoluamide (DEET) is commonly included in commercial mosquito and other insect repellents and there has been some environmental concern with the use of DEET. However, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reported that it is safe to use so long as users comply to the labels instructions. But, the implications to the environment is still not fully known.

Thus, there are some reccomended natural insect repellents to consider:-

1) Citronella oil
2) Catnip oil
3) Castor oil
4) Lemongrass oil
5) Peppermint oil
6) Geranium oil
7) Celery extract

As for me, I prefer to use Citronella essential, or Citronella-containing repellent sprays and patch. Citronella is friendly to skin but may cause mild rash allergy for some. If Citronella is not suitable for you, you can always consider other natural repellent options. Personally, I think it is only a matter of time that mosquitoes may eventually get used to DEET-containing repellents, so it is always good to seek advise from our mother nature before it becomes too late to salvage the environment.

EPA website

DEET (TEACH Chemical summary)

Plant Oils Fact Sheet

Natural Repellents reference

Natural Mosquito Repellent

What is Citronella?

Handmade Organic Mosquito repellent

Garlic as a Mosquito Repellent

Grow your own Mosquito Repellent

Which Natural Mosquito Repellent works best?

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